Detail View: Civil War Postal Covers : I wish to be let alone

I wish to be let alone.jpg
I wish to be let alone
J. Magee
Postal covers
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
A postal cover showing a Northerner and Southerner, with the latter pointing a pistol at a northerner and a bald eagle. In a speech bubble from the northerner is printed "Halloa! What do you want here?" Southerner replies "I want to be let alone." Below the image is the caption "I've been a Thief and Traitor Against the Laws I own, But I wish to "go to Dixie," And "there be let alone." On the reverse side of the envelope, there is an imprint: "Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by J. Magee, 316 Chestnut Street, Philad'a, in the District COurt of the U.S. for the Eastern District of Penn'a"
J. Magee
Printed envelope, 3 x 5.5 inches
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