Browse Alphanumerically

Caption: "C-Caption: "Co

  1. Caption: "Cap't Baggaly and Batchelor" (1)
  2. Caption: "Captain Baggaley, William, U.S.S. Humphrey" (3)
  3. Caption: "Caravan, Samsun" (1)
  4. Caption: "Caryatide porch Athens" (1)
  5. Caption: "Cheops - Pyramids Gizeh" (1)
  6. Caption: "Chonneur autant qu'à vous nous semble dévolu, vous n'aviez plus besoin d'insignes ni d'emblèmes, en vous applaudissant, nous nous flattons nous-mêmes. Maître, nous sommes fiers de vous avoir élu. H. Oct. 86." (1)
  7. Caption: "Church of Nativity, Bethlehem" (1)
  8. Caption: "Church of the Holy Sepulchre" (1)
  9. Caption: "Cleansing the Camel" (1)
  10. Caption: "Coaling, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Another of our coaling scenes" (1)
  11. Caption: "Collection de Me. Chassagnolle-David" (1)
  12. Caption: "College Hall, Syrian Protestant College." (1)
  13. Caption: "Constaninople Une rue à Stamboul." (1)
  14. Caption: "Constantinople - Porte [illegible] 7 tours (Yedicoule)" (1)
  15. Caption: "Constantinople - Vue de Psamatia Sur la mer de Marmara." (1)
  16. Caption: "Constantinople - Vue panoramique de Péra et Galata." (1)
  17. Caption: "Constantinople Pera et Gelata." Reverse inscribed: "USS Humphrey. 6 Oct. Dear Wife: Rain Rain and more rain. Nothing much to say or do. Am writing you a letter. Been cruising since we left NY. Have visited every port so far. Love to baby - 7/Aug - Bill" (1)
  18. Caption: "Constantinople, Turkey, a French barracks" (2)
  19. Caption: "Constantinople, Turkey, going on liberty Mitchell and myself" (2)
  20. Caption: "Constantinople, Turkey, Sultan going to prayer you will find him the first man entering the mosque on the extreme right you see his picket guard" (2)